Sunday School
Sunday School meets at 9:45 am.
There is a class for everyone from babies through grandparents.
Bible Studies
Bible Studies currently meet with Pastor Jason on Friday mornings at 10:00 am. This is a great time for in depth study and conversation.
We also have a Wednesday night Bible Study / Prayer time at 6:00pm on Wednesday evenings.
Children & Youth

Swift Creek Children is our ministry to children ages infant through 5th grade.
Swift Creek Youth is a group of middle and high school students (6th-12th grade).
We love our music at Swift Creek Baptist Church. From Sunday morning choir and congregational singing to our annual Easter and Christmas Cantata's, there is plenty of music for everyone to enjoy (and participate in).
The Brotherhood is a group of men on mission to serve God both in Swift Creek and in the community. We aim to serve the needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Women On Mission
Women On Mission is part of the Women’s Missionary Union, where the objectives are to reflect a biblical understanding of missions and provide an open door to mission's awareness and participation.
Senior Saints Ministry
The Senior Saints Ministry has a lot of fun gatherings that interest the group of people who are our age. We have fun game nights, field trips, dinners with entertainment and a lot more.